
Showing posts from January, 2022

Blog Post#14

 Today I went to first period and we started learning something new. It seems pretty easy so i’m not too worried about it. Second period I was in rotc because we had a staff meeting and I had to get some things in order. Third block i was also in rotc still organizing and still getting things done. Fourth period is usually my favorite period because all my friends are in there and I love writing. I did my bellringer and my work for that class then I talked with my friends yk the usual, that’s about it. Blog you later<3.

Blog Post#12


Blog Post#11

 Today was a regular day, I struggled in first period all morning then second period had me tight. I hate second period sometimes but at the same time I like it because it’s the only time I get a break. Third period I really haven’t been in my regular class i’ve mainly been in rotc and whatnot. Preparing for AMI which is coming up in the weeks to come. Fourth period really is the my whine down class honestly, where I focused and kind of just get it over with. Well that’s all, Blog you later<3.

Blog Post #10

So today I went to school sadly. I wore a really cute outfit to school. I went to all my classes and didn’t learn much until fourth period of course. We are still learning rhetorical devices and what they do. Taking notes and making examples so that we know how to recognize it. Oh I almost forgot, so I was down there during this period to get all the information and prepare for AMI which is less than a month away. Now that’s all for today, Blog you later<3.

Blog Post #9

So today I took a test in every period except fourth. The test in first period wasn’t too hard I just needed more time. the test in second period was easy and I definitely cheated, and the test in third had me racking my brain trying to figure out the answers which were right in front of me. In fourth period we watched scenes from movies and then we had to list some rhetorical devices and how they were used . I thought the Scarface movie was funny . The clip of Fences was very crazy. I didn't even know stuff like that happened back then. Personally I could never let that happened to me because I would never let a man stop me from accomplishing anything I want. I refuse to be held back by a dead weight man like the one the lady was dealing with in Fences.

Blog Post#8

  So today in first period we reviewed for the test we have tomorrow. We went over everything that could be on the test and if we needed help the teachers were helping. In second period we talked and did work on google classroom. We never actually learn anything in spanish. In third period we took notes and answered some questions. Lastly in fourth period we wrote a speech telling our peers they shouldn't do drugs. Blog you later <3. 

Blog Post#7

  So today in first period we went over radicals and radicands. In second period we did nothing per usual. I did catch up on some assignments in that class though. In third period we took note like always.  In fourth period we listened to the song " Resist the Temptation by Tupac. The song was not something that I would listen to often but it spoke facts. That’s all, Blog you later <3

Blog Post#6

 So today wasn’t a bad day. I went to first period and math is already confusing the life out of me. Second period is what it is. I’m still not actually learning in that class but at this point what am I gonna do. Third period is the same as usual too, notes, notes, and more notes. We did do a fun activity though it just moved too fast. Fourth period is the usual, I enjoyed it of course. We are still working on rhetorical devices and what they do. After school was a lot more exciting honestly but that’s all for now. Blog You Later<3.

Blog Post #5

 So today I went to school and while in school I got Chick-Fil-A. I went to math class and it was a bit of a struggle. I struggled with picking up the techniques for square root. Second period we played Spanish jeopardy and my team won. WE ARE THE BEST!! Third period was chill, we took notes and learned about the same thing we’ve been learning all week. Midway through third period, I went to ROTC and get all that information. I went to lunch then fourth period. Fourth period I had a test and I got an A(90). We discussed the plans for next week and what we would be learning. My grade dropped four points and man oh man am I sad. It’s okay though, I won’t let it drop anymore. Time to enjoy my weekend, Blog you later<3.

Blog Post #4

 Today in first period we were going over radicals and radicands. Learning how to simplify problems and all that good stuff. Spanish didn’t learn anything but I did catch up my TVD universe shows. Third period we took notes on different inventions changed the world and where we would be without them. I also did some activities for that class too. Then lunch which was full of drama and all that. Fourth period same as always, the rhetorical devices and we did some practice activities to get familiar with them. Afterwards I went home and took a nap then went over my notes and now it’s 12am and i’m going back to sleep. Blog you later<3.

Blog Post #3

So today I went to school sadly. I wore a really cute outfit to school. I went to all my classes and didn’t learn much until fourth period of course. We are still learning rhetorical devices and what they do. Taking notes and making examples so that we know how to recognize it. Oh I almost forgot, I don’t have ROTC this semester but i’m still an active part so I was down there during this period to get all the information and prepare for AMI which is less than a month away. Now that’s all for today, Blog you later<3.

Blog Post #2

 Second day in person and man oh man it’s getting real. School is back in motion officially officially . In fourth period we learned about Rhetorical Devices and how to use them. Third period was the same as last semester just notes after notes after notes. Must say second period is going to be a breeze because I don’t do anything in there. It’s almost solely online. First period we’re doing child like work, from cutting and pasting to Fill in the blanks. That’s all for today, Blog you later<3.

Blog Post #1

 Starting the year off  with a blog post. Today was the first day back in person and I must say I kind of like my classes this year. It’ll take some time to get used to but i’m glad my schedule is how it is. I didn’t really learn much today, it was more so a get to know you type of day. I have two teachers that I had last semester and two new ones. The new teachers are quite nice. I can feel this being the best semester ever. Off to sleep…Blog you later<3.