
Showing posts from September, 2021

My Daily Blog Post 35

 Hey blog, starting this weeks blogs off with a great. Today was twin day and I decided to twin with my friend Iyana; we looked so cute today & we took some pictures. First period was same as ever boring and what not. Chemistry was actually very fun today. We went over mole island and started a pie chart activity with skittles. 3rd period was chill, all I did was re-flat iron my hair and went over rates and ranks for the navy. Fourth period we went over synthesis essays and different types of sources . Our 4th period teacher gave us homework for the first time in forever, I hope i remember to do it. Time for practice, Blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 31

 So today is Tuesday my least favorite day of the week and on top of that it rained most of the day. First period was full of notes, typing and watching videos. Second period today stressed me OUT. Chemistry is definitely not as easy as I thought it would be. Its almost like if you miss more then 5 minutes of class, your behind by 3 lessons. 11th grade is getting harder and harder by the day. Third period was very cool today. I needed this break in between all these hard classes. I actually took the PFT(physical fitness test) today and failed but at least I know what I need to work on. Fourth period was not the best, the topic for the argument was absolute trash. I didn't get to finish my essay but its a work in progress. Tomorrow we are going to try again. My time is up but blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 30

So today was a pretty chill day; we didn't do much in first period. Second period however was very hard because we started learning something new and we only have today and tomorrow to get it down. Third period was chill as always. We went over some events and different activities that are planned for the semester. We have an award ceremony event on Thursday during fourth period... Speaking of fourth period, it was pretty good today. We had an interesting topic today which made it fun to participate and talk in class. Tomorrow we have an essay to do in class, we will only have forty minutes and boy am I nervous. After I post this I should go study. Blog you later <3.

My Daily Blog Post 25

 You know I took some time off, but now it’s game time bloggers! So unintentionally I haven’t been on here but I am back on my grind and ready to continue to tell my school life on here. Today was a great day for the most part. I had a good time in first period and second period was good. Speaking of second period I have a test in there tomorrow and oh lord I am not ready. I have a lot of studying to do tonight. Fourth period was pretty neutral, I learned some new stuff when it comes to reading poems and things of that nature. Great conversations in that class and I participated as much as I could. My grades could use a lot of improving but school life is great. Ready for a great week. Blog you later<33.

My Daily Blog Post 18

I know you guys have missed me. Life has been so hectic, I haven’t had any time to make my post but I am back on my grind. STRAIGHT A’s all school year. So today was quite interesting, mainly fourth period. Today we had a very interesting conversation and learned so much about our teacher and his views on intimacy. I know teachers and students won’t always agree but downplaying other’s opinions because of how you feel is not at all okay in MY opinion. We also worked on writing thesis statements for overrated things. I definitely think we all learned a lot from this period today. My other classes were the same as always, fun and hard. I am however very ready for Friday. Blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 16

 (trying to work on uploading the pictures .)