As you all can see, all my blog posts will pretty much be me reflecting on what i’ve learned that day. Today i’m going to talk about American Lit and the interesting things that occurred in school today. For starters the power went out for like half an hour or so then on top of that somebody decided to spray fart spray all through the school. The smell was beyond disgusting. It’s always something at this school. Now that i’ve told you about that I can tell you about 4th period. Today we went over formal and informal language and took some notes. If you know anything about my fourth period then you know there was a few disagreements but overall a good lesson. I must say i’m excited about this semester. I’m sleepy now so blog you later <3.
Today’s blog post is to reflect on what we’ve learned today. Truthfully I could go on and on about what I learned in AP US History but instead i’ll tell you about what I learned in chemistry. Today we learned about dimensional analysis and it was very hard actually. A lot of moving parts and math which I didn’t know was apart of science. I also learned my last few orders to the century in ROTC which was quite the struggle honestly. I really only had 20 minutes to learn them and recite them in front of my BC without looking at the book. I did great of course and I got fitted for my uniform and soon i’ll be in my navy uniform every single Thursday of the school year. It’s all very exciting, however that’s all for today. Blog you later. You see what I did there.
17. One person I forgot was my Uncle Roland. Of course I remember him now or I wouldn’t be talking about him. He is one of my mothers brothers and he is not the best. He is very disrespectful and not the nicest person. The last time I saw him was probably 2008. It was 2008 because I remember us listening to the new Calabria 2008 version by ENUR. After that I never saw him again and completely forgot he existed until about a year ago. When he did some very distasteful and disgraceful things to some family members including my mom.
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