My Daily Blog Post 14

 So today was a pretty decent day I would say. This morning however was not it. The school packed all 1,000+ students into a small hot gym early in the morning, knowing it’s covid going around. It was so uncomfortable in there but it only lasted like 15 minutes. Then off to first period I went, which all we did was write write write. Second period was as good as it can be because it’s chemistry; it’s a hard class if you miss literally anything. Third period chill & laid back, you know the vibes. I’m so excited about the cookout tomorrow mostly because I get to help but it’s always fun when ROTC does activities. Oh I almost forgot about fourth period. I was about to close out my blog. Fourth period was great I know for a fact I got a lot of participation points and I did my best on my homework. It wasn’t as hard as I thought; honestly it was a great way to get my brain going last night. Now I can close out my blog. Blog you later<3.


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