
Showing posts from August, 2021

My Daily Blog Post 14

 So today was a pretty decent day I would say. This morning however was not it. The school packed all 1,000+ students into a small hot gym early in the morning, knowing it’s covid going around. It was so uncomfortable in there but it only lasted like 15 minutes. Then off to first period I went, which all we did was write write write. Second period was as good as it can be because it’s chemistry; it’s a hard class if you miss literally anything. Third period chill & laid back, you know the vibes. I’m so excited about the cookout tomorrow mostly because I get to help but it’s always fun when ROTC does activities. Oh I almost forgot about fourth period. I was about to close out my blog. Fourth period was great I know for a fact I got a lot of participation points and I did my best on my homework. It wasn’t as hard as I thought; honestly it was a great way to get my brain going last night. Now I can close out my blog. Blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 13

 So Tuesdays are like Wednesday, just boring as ever.  Of course I was so busy this Tuesday I didn’t get a chance to blog but don’t worry, I am going to make sure I blog EVERYDAY. So today is hump day, so I was expecting a smooth simple day and one chemistry test (which I got a 93 on). 4th period same as always, we actually got a homework assignment today so i’ll be doing that shortly after this. My day was smooth except for the fact that I had practice and didn’t even get to practice but it’s okay. I was upset after but my mom took me to get a slushy and that cheered me up. Now I am at home tired as ever about to do my homework and knock out. Blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 11

So today was pretty good up until fourth period. Fourth period was a little iffy when it came time to take notes and discuss but it was a pretty easy class. We learned about rhetorical situations and we took notes on it as well. Then we watched a video of the mayor of Atlanta talking about the riots and looting of George Floyd’s murder… My other classes were awesome though. In chemistry we were discussing isotopes and worked on a worksheet from Friday. ROTC is always good, we went over uniform regulations and and how we should look on Thursdays. First period was a little hectic because we were dealing with a few thing but other then that pretty smooth. I can’t wait to get home and sleep. Blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 10

 Hey guys so it’s finally Friday! I’ve been waiting for the week to be over for so long. I can sleep until kingdom come or at least until Monday morning. Today was a great day though; my group did great presenting our group activity. We also got chromebooks today and i’m happy because I can finally stop using my personal computer for work. Same old same old for all my others classes. I definitely have to study for chemistry this weekend so I can know the periodic table well. Other then that, let the weekend fun begin. Blog you later<3.

My Daily Blog Post 9

 So reflecting on today is gonna be easy. Besides Friday I love Thursday and how calm they are. Today I went to my first period and thankfully we didn’t have to write any notes. I went to my second period which is chemistry and we had a easy day because half the class was at the senior meeting. Third period is ROTC, you guys know that was truly a piece of cake. There was a uniform inspection and I was excused because my uniform top is being altered. We went over ranks and I memorized them all so quickly. Fourth period is still on its winning streak kind of because today’s class wasn’t bad at all. The groups for our group assignment were presenting and they all did good. My group goes tomorrow;I hope we do well. That’s all, Blog you later <3.

My Daily Blog Post 8

 So we are back to reflecting and Wednesdays are very hectic for me. I was supposed to have color guard practice but it was canceled last minute. I ended going to drill team practice and truthfully it wasn’t bad at all. Fourth period was actually real cool yesterday, like for the first time I really enjoyed it. Kudos to our teacher for switching it up. All my other classes were great too. I really enjoyed my day and honestly kind of maybe look forward to fourth period tomorrow. Blog you later <3 (not sure why my post aren’t posting but this was done yesterday evening.)

What is My Dream?

 Today we are doing things a little different. I’ve been asked to blog about a specific question. WHAT IS MY DREAM? My dream is to become an anesthesiologist and chief of staff. I would achieve this goal by doing well in all my classes and graduating high school, going to a good college and excelling  and getting into a great medical school and doing exceptionally well. I would also achieve this goal by having faith in my self, never giving up and focusing a lot on school. I would avoid deferring this dream by staying organized and by not being afraid to ask for help. Blog you later <3. (ps. i typed this yesterday during the class period but when i opened my blog it didn’t post.) 

My Daily Blog Post 6

So it’s Monday the slowest day of the week. I’ve been dreading it since i left school Friday. I really hate Monday’s but today wasn’t too bad; like in chemistry we did a really fun lab. It turned out so pretty, we were doing this trick where water spreads the ink from the marker. ROTC was same old same old. First period wasn’t it though, everyday we are writing down  pages and pages of notes and truth be told i’m getting fed up but there’s really nothing I can do. Anyways let’s talk more positive. I must fourth period today wasn’t too bad. I see some progress in the classroom energy wise. We learned quite a bit today and I kind of it. Still have some ways to go with the energy but with the right energy class can be great ! That’s all for tonight, blog you later <3.

My Daily Blog Post 5

So yes today we’re reflecting on our day. Fridays are supposed to be exciting and relaxing and honestly mines was far from it. I had three test to take and two were in the same class. Yep you guessed it right, it was American Lit. First we took a vocabulary test and literally right after we took a pre-test. That class took every brain cell I had left. The plus was that was the only thing we did in the class. I arrived late to class so I didn’t get a chance to do the bell ringer. That was the most interesting part of my day, yea i know pretty boring . Blog you later <3.

My Daily Blog Post 4

 As you all can see, all my blog posts will pretty much be me reflecting on what i’ve learned that day. Today i’m going to talk about American Lit and the interesting things that occurred in school today. For starters the power went out for like half an hour or so then on top of that somebody decided to spray fart spray all through the school. The smell was beyond disgusting. It’s always something at this school. Now that i’ve told you about that I can tell you about 4th period. Today we went over formal and informal language and took some notes. If you know anything about my fourth period then you know there was a few disagreements but overall a good lesson. I must say i’m excited about this semester. I’m sleepy now so blog you later <3.

My Daily Blog Post 3

 Today’s blog post is the same as yesterday’s. Reflecting on my day. I’m starting to this is really going to be a daily occurrence. So today I’m going to tell you about AP US History. Today we took lots and lots of notes, my fingers were hurting so bad. We learned about the first set of europeans that lived in America. We also learned about a lot of the Native Americans ways and how they lived and what they did before their home land was taken. Aside from the notes it was quite interesting. Same old same old in chemistry and ROTC. That’s all for now, blog you later.

My Daily Blog Post 2

Today’s blog post is to reflect on what we’ve learned today. Truthfully I could go on and on about what I learned in AP US History but instead i’ll tell you about what I learned in chemistry. Today we learned about dimensional analysis and it was very hard actually. A lot of moving parts and math which I didn’t know was apart of science. I also learned my last few orders to the century in ROTC which was quite the struggle honestly. I really only had 20 minutes to learn them and recite them in front of my BC without looking at the book. I did great of course and I got fitted for my uniform and soon i’ll be in my navy uniform every single Thursday of the school year. It’s all very exciting, however that’s all for today. Blog you later. You see what I did there.

My Introduction Post

 Hi my name is Alyssa. I like to cook, listen to music & i love to sleep. My expectations for this school year is to pass all classes with an A. My other expectation is to be active in the school.